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The church moves forward at the speed of your giving!


As we enter into this year’s Heart For The House giving initiative, weā€™re asking all of our members and regular attenders at Broad River Church to prayerfully consider starting or increasing your monthly recurring giving to the mission of the church. If you havenā€™t yet started giving financially, we want to encourage you to consider what you would be willing to give on a monthly basis to continue helping people discover Jesus. For some of you, this may be a specific amount like $100 or $500 a month. For others, maybe itā€™s a percentage of your income that you decide to trust God with. If youā€™re already giving to the mission at Broad River Church, pray about increasing your giving so that we can make Heaven more crowded!

Itā€™s up to each of us to pray about this and decide with God how much He wants us to give. Paul writes it like this in 2 Corinthians 9:7- ā€œEach one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.ā€ Weā€™re asking everyone to prayerfully consider and make your financial commitment by Nov 1st. You can set up your giving online at

The church moves forward at the speed of your giving!

Pastors Kevin & Jacinta