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September 2019

Child Dedication December 22, 2019

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…from one parent to another: it is a wonderful privilege to be entrusted with a life… a life of one so impressionable, a life created by God, for God.

the dedication of a child really has as much to do with the dedication of the parents and guardians – those to whom the charge of nurturing, guiding, instructing and protecting those given to their stewardship and keeping. We want to encourage you to consider the dedication of your child or children as a dedication to your child, or a dedication to God on behalf of your child. that you, me, we, as parents and friends would be dedicated to exampling Jesus in all we do, in all we are, and all we would want children to be – and we, as a church, walking beside, praying with, and helping guide. If you would like to dedicate your child or would like more info just email or call the church office at 203-846-9593.

Child Dedication services will be held December 22, 2019.