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For many people who desire to follow Jesus in their life, physical health is often the final frontier to that full surrender. An early leader in the church named Paul was particularly focused on this kind of surrender when he writes in 1 Corinthians 9:27 that he had to discipline his body to stay qualified to speak to people about the hope of Jesus. He’d go further than that eventually when he begged followers of Christ to “present their BODIES….a living sacrifice…this is your reasonable service.” (Romans 12:1)

With all of that in mind we are inviting our community into a health and fitness challenge called PRESENT YOUR BODIES, which begins this Sunday, January 7. PYB is a companion journey to 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting and we are very excited about the freedom and breakthrough so many are going to experience as they submit their physical bodies to Christ to begin this new year.

Sign up to be a part of Present Your Bodies by texting BODY to 203-717-4489 and get ready to see God do amazing things in your life.

Three Daily Practices

  1. Drink at least 75 oz of water every day
  2. 20 minutes of intentional movement every day
  3. What’s the main thing you consume regularly which holds you back from living a more aligned life? Cut it out for 21 days.

Tres Prácticas Diarias

  1. Beber al menos 75 onzas de agua cada día
  2. 20 minutos de movimiento intencionado al día
  3. ¿Qué es lo principal que consumes regularmente que te impide vivir una vida más alineada? Suprímelo durante 21 días.

Text BODY to 203-717-4489 to start receiving daily devotionals, encouragement and become a part of a community journeying with you!

Joining mid-challenge? Catch up here:

¿Te apuntas a mitad del reto? Póngase al día aquí: