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Join us at our next Welcome Party!

Enjoying our Sunday Worship services and ready to make Broad River Church your home church? Then Welcome Party is your next step! We can’t wait to get to know you and welcome you to the incredible Broad River Church family!

What’s going to happen at Welcome Party?

  • EAT: Enjoy a free meal for you and your family
  • LEARN: Learn about the vision and mission of Broad River Church
  • MEMBERSHIP: Become a Member
  • DREAM TEAM: Join the Dream Team

All these steps will take about 45 minutes! Are you ready? Register now!


Who should attend Welcome Party?

Welcome Party is open to adults and students, and is designed for those who have been coming to Broad River Church for a few weeks and are ready to make Broad River Church their home church. (Childcare is provided for elementary age and younger.)

When is the next Welcome Party?

Welcome Party is offered once a month in English and Spanish. Check out our registration page for upcoming dates!

  • 10:45am at our South Norwalk location (English)
  • 12:15pm at our South Norwalk location (Spanish)
  • 12:45pm at our Silvermine location (English)

Where do I go for Welcome Party?

If you’re attending Welcome Party at our Silvermine location, it will meet inside the Sanctuary immediately following the 11:30am service. If you’re attending at our South Norwalk location, Welcome Party will meet in our church office, across the hall from the lobby.

How do I get the most out of Welcome Party? 

1. Register now so we know you’re coming!


2. Take the DISC & Spiritual Gifts assessment (5-10 min) in advance and share your results with us using this form

DISC & Spiritual Gifts Assessments
Submit Your Assessment Results

3. Review the list of available Dream Teams 

4. Download the Church Center app.